- Airdrops and campaigns, to be commenced shortly. Currently, if you invest in BTC or USD, we will airdrop 1 COMM for every USD in your initial investment that stays for over a year.
- Fund launch. We select articles with trustworthy and reproducible strategies, and trade them in our smart beta book. References will be offered to the corresponding publication(s). All strategies are transparent to the investors and readers. The authors will get a cut from our management fee out of the particular book based on his/her contribution and on a discretionary basis.
- As the fund grows, we will cease distributing the foundation pool gradually, and repurchase our tokens after costs, management and incentive fees to repay our community and token holders. All repurchased tokens will be donated to the Commonwealth Foundation, locked for 1 year and then used to advance researches in multiple frontiers, including but not limited to mathematics, fundamental and social sciences, and dedicate to building a safe, open-source digital world with the blockchain. We proudly announce that the repurchase program will endeavor to maximize the token Sharpe ratio - the very goal we are born and trained to do. We will be fighting with you side by side through tough times! The repurchase program is active until the COMM price reaches one dollar or over 50% of total supply is repurchased in cumulative volume, whichever is earlier. It's achievable when the total crypto capitalization approaches the stock market one day, which we believe is merely a matter of time. We reserve the right to extend the repurchase program further.
- Website development.
- Develop a voting system for readers to lock COMMs into prospective articles or strategies they'd like to trade with.
- Develop a marketplace for our readers and investors to buy quantitative signals from popular authors and verify the out-of-sample performance. Data purchase will be made in COMMs.
- Develop COMM and BTC allocation systems for investors to pick strategies in production and invest.
- Develop a programming platform for quantitative strategy research, submission and profit sharing.
- Develop a lightweight marketplace for COMM and BTC conversion, either OTC or exchange API, with account management and order book support if the latter.
- Content mining. We purchase, publish articles and introduce crypto smart betas / alphas / analysis to the community and general public.
- We invite authors to submit original publications in three categories: research papers for professionals (Beta for Pros), quantitative crypto analysis / tokennomics (Beta for Fun), and non-quantitative insights for generic readers (Crypto Insights).
- A review committee is to be formed with multiple experts in coding, data analysis and quantitative disciplines including math, physics, statistics, finance, economics, etc.
- Publish or perish! We publish 0-2 articles in each column daily. In the early phase of the project, we might publish more than 2 articles contingent on their quality.
- Generalize the publisher tokenomics and support a comprehensive academic journal in all disciplines. This may happen before 4 and 5 if we make good progress. In the long run, we hope all scholars get token compensations in proportion to their academic contributions from our tokenomics. That's our dream and ultimate goal. We will support the token price with our performance and lay a solid foundation for the plan first.